School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School
2233 Village Square Parkway
Hearings for Special Actions regarding Students - 4:00 p.m.

June 14, 2010 Regular Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order (7:00 p.m.)
1. Attendance


Present: Carol Vallencourt, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Frank Farrell, District 4; and Lisa Graham, District 5.  Superintendent Ben Wortham was also present.

Charles Van Zant, Jr., District 3, was not present due to military duty.

Consent Agenda

2. C-1 Minutes of Workshop on May 13, 2010 and Special Pupil Request, Disciplinary Hearings and Regular Meeting on May 20, 2010
Attachment: Minutes - Board Workshop 05-13-10.pdf
Attachment: Minutes - SPR Hearing 05-20-10.pdf
Attachment: Minutes - Disciplinary Hearings 05-20-10.pdf (Confidential Item)

Attachment: Minutes - Board Meeting 05-20-10.pdf
3. C-2 Payment of Florida School Boards Association Annual Dues for fiscal year 2010-2011
Attachment: FSBA Dues for 2010-2011.pdf
4. C-3 Payment of Florida Association of District School Superintendents Annual Dues for fiscal year 2010-2011
Attachment: FADSS Dues for 2010-2011.pdf
Deputy Superintendent

5. C-4 School District of Clay County's 2009-2010 School Safety & Security Self-Assessment (Safe Passage Act)
Attachment: 2010 FINAL Safety & Security Self-Assessment Form.pdf
Human Resources

6. C-6 Personnel Consent Agenda
Attachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 6-14-10.pdf

7. C-7 Quarterly Log of Student Travel
Attachment: QUARTERLY LOG April-June, 2010.pdf
8. C-8 Interagency Agreement between the School Board of Clay County, the Young Men's Christian Association of Florida's First Coast, Inc., and Take Stock in Children
Attachment: YMCA.pdf
9. C-9 Interagency Integrated Services Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Youth Crisis Center
Attachment: YCC MOU.pdf
10. C-10 Interagency Integrated Services Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and Clay Behavioral Health Center
11. C-11 District K-12 Reading Plan 2010-2011
Attachment: Clay Co Decision Tree 3rd 4th 5th grade.pdf
Attachment: Clay Co Decision Tree 6th grade March 2010 (2).pdf
Attachment: Clay Co Decision Tree K 1 2 March 2010 (2).pdf
Attachment: Clay Co Placement Chart High Sch 9th-12th Grades.pdf
Attachment: Clay Co Placement Chart Jr High March 2010 (2).pdf
Attachment: Cover Page.pdf
Attachment: Organizational Chart.pdf
Attachment: Reading Plan 2010-2011 Narrative.pdf
12. C-12 Technology Plan Addendum
Attachment: ErateTechPlanAddendum-with 470 5-25-10.pdf
13. C-13 Florida Virtual Franchise Contract
Attachment: Clay County Franchise Contract 2010-2011.pdf
14. C-14 FLVS Full-Time Contract
Attachment: Clay County VIP 2010-2011 signed by FLVS.pdf
15. C-15 Contract between the School Board of Clay County and Melissa Whitaker, Student Services Aide with Project R.E.A.C.H. pending approval of the Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program Grant
Attachment: Whitaker, M.pdf
16. C-16 Bannerman Learning Center Placements in Lieu of Expulsion and ESE Alternative School Update
Attachment: BLC placements.pdf
17. C-17 Advertise amendments to the Student Code of Conduct
Attachment: Summary of changes to SCOC 10-11.pdf
Attachment: Elem-Sec Code red-lined 2010-11.pdf
18. C-18 Memorandum of Agreement between the Clay County Health Department and the School Board of Clay County regarding School Health Services
Attachment: CCHD MOA.pdf
19. C-19 Co-Enrollee list for May 2010
Attachment: Co-Enrollee list for May 2010.pdf (Confidential Item)
20. C-20 Maintain certification in the Mobility Opportunities via Education (MOVE) program for ESE Employees.
21. C-21 Affiliation with the University of Central Florida and the School Board of Clay County Florida.
Attachment: UCF Clay Agreement.pdf
Business Affairs

22. C-22 Policies for Property, Casualty and Liability for 2010-2011
23. C-24 Permission to write off NSF checks at various schools for Food & Nutrition Services from 2008-2009 school year totaling $1,136.58
Attachment: SFS NSF08-0920100525100017802.pdf
24. C-25 Petty Cash Funds for 2010-11 Fiscal Year
25. C-26 Write Off Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Checks at Schools
Attachment: NSF.pdf
26. C-27 Revisions to the SDCC Internal Accounts Manual
Attachment: Revised Internal Accounts Manual.pdf
27. C-28 Budget Amendments for the Month of May, 2010
Attachment: budget cover sheet_impact stmt_.pdf
Attachment: General Fund Revenue.pdf
Attachment: General Fund Appropriations.pdf
Attachment: Debt Service Funds.pdf
Attachment: Capital Project Funds.pdf
Attachment: School Food Service Funds.pdf
Attachment: Special Revenue Other.pdf
Attachment: State Fiscal Stabilization Funds.pdf
Attachment: ARRA FUNDS.pdf
Attachment: Internal Service Funds.pdf
28. C-29 Monthly Property Report - May, 2010 - Furniture/Equipment
Attachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-May, 10.pdf
29. C-30 Monthly Property Report - May, 2010 - AV Materials
Attachment: Audiovisual Report-May, 10.pdf
30. C-31 Monthly Property Report - May, 2010 - Software
Attachment: Software Report-May,10.pdf
31. C-32 Monthly Property Report - May, 2010 - Vehicles
Attachment: Vehicles Report-May, 10.pdf
32. C-33 Deletion of Certain Items Report - June, 2010
Attachment: Deletion Report-June, 10.pdf
Attachment: Deletion Report (Attachments)-June,10.pdf
33. C-34 Write-Off of "Missing" Property Items for 2009-2010
Attachment: Missing Property Report- FY 09-10.pdf
Attachment: Missing Property Report- FY 09-10 (Attachments).pdf
34. C-35 Warrants & Vouchers for MAY, 2010
Attachment: Warrants & Vouchers May, 2010.pdf
35. C-36 Bid Renewals June 2010
36. C-37 Bids to Be Awarded June 2010
Attachment: 6-14-2010 Bid #11-BA-109 Tab.pdf
Support Services

37. C-38 Deductive Change Order #1 (Direct Purchasing) for Middleburg High School Lighting and Ceiling Replacement
Attachment: CO 1 MBH Ceiling & Lighting Replacement.pdf
38. C-39 Deductive Change Order #1 (Direct Purchasing) for Clay High School Building 4 Re-Roof
Attachment: CO1 CHS Bldg 4 ReRoof.pdf
39. C-40 2009-2010 Fire Control Annual Inspection Report conducted by the Clay County Fire Department
40. C-41 Spot Educational Plant Survey for an Administration Addition at Keystone Heights Elementary School
Attachment: KHE Spot Survey 2010.pdf
41. C-42 Deductive Change Order #1 (Direct Purchasing) for Wilkinson Elementary School Buildings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 20 and 21 Re-Roof
Attachment: CO 1, WES.pdf
42. C-43 Deductive Change Order #1 (Direct Purchasing) for S. Bryan Jennings Elementary School Buildings 4-9 Re-Roof
Attachment: CO 1, SBJ.pdf
43. C-44 Keystone Heights Elementary School New Administration Building Contract Award
Attachment: KHE Bid Tab.pdf
44. C-45 Pre-Qualification of Contractors
Attachment: Contractor List, 6,14,10.pdf

Adoption of Consent Agenda
45. Adoption of all remaining Consent Items


Consent Items were approved with the exception of C-5 Proposed Staff Allocation Changes for 2009-2010 and 2010-2011; and C-23 Proposed Elementary and Secondary Meal Price Increase for 2010-2011, which were pulled to Discussion.

Approve the Consent Items as presented, with the exception of those moved to Discussion.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Frank Farrell
Second: Carol Studdard
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present

Recognitions and Awards
46. 2010 State Science and Engineering Fair Winners; 2010 International Science and Engineering Fair Participants


Students were recognized by Kathy Schofield, Secondary Curriculum Specialist:  SENIOR DIVISION: Alexander Gandzyura - 4th Place Computer Science and Christopher Louviere - 3rd Place Medicine and Health - RHS;  Bianca Declaro - Honorable Mention Behavioral and Social Sciences - MHS.  Matthew Emig - 3rd Place Environmental Science - CHS and Christopher Gates - U.S. Army Award - RHS.

JUNIOR DIVISION: Juan Gonzales - 1st Place Earth and Planetary Science and Kaylee Speer - 4th Place Environmental Sciences - CHS.  Natalie Yaw - Honorable Mention Microbiology - OPJH; Jacob Laird - Special Recognition Environmental Sciences - LJH; Faith Crowell and Maleah Culbreth - Special Recognition Team Projects NASA Award - WJH; and Randy Padgett - 4th Place Engineering - Pinewood Christian Academy.

47. Elementary Media Festival Winners


Students recognized by Karen Robinson, Instr. Media Services Specialist, for Best of Show K-2 for Hearts for Haiti Documentary - Megan Baker and Cheyenne Jerris - Clay Hill Elementary.  Kelly Robertson, Media Specialist and Chris Lucius, Technology Teacher.

Best of Show 3-5 for How to Make Window Art Instruction - Lanie Richards, Lilyanne Beaver, Hailey Johns, Sophia Ledford, Zakia Cawthon, Nathan Riffle, Michael Mancil and Camille Copeland - Lakeside Elementary.  Yvonne Allen, Media Specialist and Janet Rodesney, Teacher.

48. Perfect Attendance

Minutes: Perfect Attendance Recognition: Kindergarten thru Grade 5 - Esmeralda Maria Cortorreal - AES. Kindergarten thru Grade 6 - Austin Alexander Chartier - LES; Adam Jacob Johnson - MBE; Amber Nicole O-Hara - OPE; Alexis Nicole Peavey - SLE.  Kindergarten thru Grade 8 - Madison Chelsea Vetter - GCJH (not present) and Blake Anthony Chartier - LJH.  Kindergarten thru Grade 12 - Megan Lachelle Williams - OPH.

Scheduled Citizen Requests
49. Rev. Dr. Marvin C. Zanders, II - Minority Concerns


Dr. Michael Henry spoke on behalf of Rev. Dr. Marvin C. Zanders, II on the progress  the task force has made on minority concerns.

50. Resolution of Appreciation to Clay County School Board

Minutes: Mr. Larry Lancaster, Chairman - Fair Association, provided highlights of the 2010 Clay County Fair and presented the Resolution of Appreciation to the Clay County School Board for its participation and support.  Mr. Lancaster reported 102, 000 attendees at this year's fair and reminded the Board that 2011 will be the Fair's 25th Anniversary.

Discussion Agenda
Deputy Superintendent

51. C-5 Proposed Staff Allocation Changes for 2009-2010 & 2010-2011
Attachment: June 2010 Supplement Allocation Changes.pdf
Attachment: Allocation Summary - Current Backup June 14 2010 xls2.pdf

Speakers to Item C-5 were Kellie Griffis - Allocation changes; Angie Sapp - Media Specialists; Madison Sparks - Music Program at RVE; Lillian Spofford - Music Program at RVE; and Krista Allen - Music Program at RVE.

The Superintendent reminded the Board that there was $5.27 million on the table and we would not be able to present a balanced budget to the Board without the approval of these allocations.  He asked the Board for any alternatives they could suggest to make up for the unapproved allocations.  Mrs. Adams explained that 90% of the allocations in the document did not have people in the positions listed and asked if they would entertain approval of some of the allocations.  Extensive discussion followed.

The Board discussed setting an additional workshop on the budget.

Approve staff allocation changes as submitted. -
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Vallencourt
Carol Vallencourt-
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present
Frank Farrell-
Lisa Graham-
Carol Studdard-

Motion Minutes: 

Motion was made by Carol Vallencourt to approve the Staff Allocations.  Motion failed for lack of a second.

A second motion was made by Carol Vallencourt to approve only Cost Center 9001 through Cost Center 9040, and the two staff allocation changes for 2009-2010.  Motion was seconded by Frank Farrell and motion passed 4 Aye - 0 Nay.   A lengthy discussion followed with another motion made by Frank Farrell to approve all additional staff allocation changes contained in item C-5 backup, except those affecting PE, Music, Art, Media, Instructional Technology, Drama and Reading Resource.  Motion passed 3 Aye -1 Nay, with Lisa Graham dissenting.

Human Resources

52. Human Resources - Special Action



Business Affairs

53. C-23 (Farrell) Proposed Elementary/Secondary Meal Price Increase for 2010-11
Attachment: SFS 10-1120100525100013328.pdf
Minutes: Mr. Farrell spoke to the need for the increase in meal prices and also complimented our school cafeteria managers on the excellent efforts in managing our cafeteria operations.

Approve recommended price increases as presented- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Frank Farrell
Second: Carol Studdard
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present

Motion Minutes: 
54. Resolution Providing for a Referendum Election to Levy 0.25 Mills for a Two Year Period to Provide for Critical Operating Needs
Attachment: RESOLUTION RE MILL LEVY - MAY 2010.pdf

Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney presented the Resolution with minor changes to comply with Florida Statutes.  Resolution was approved and will be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners for placement on the ballot for November General Election.

Liz Crane, President - CCEA spoke in support of the Resolution.

Approve the Resolution as presented.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Carol Vallencourt
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present

55. Monthly Financial Report for May, 2010
Attachment: PAGE 1 MONTHLY FIN-Sum Cash-May,2010.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 2 MONTHLY FIN May, 2010-GREV.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 3 MONTHLY FIN May,2010-GREXP.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 4 MONTHLY FIN May,2010-DSREVEXP.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 5 Capital Projects May, 2010.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 6 Capital Projects By Project May,2010.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 7 MONTHLY FIN May, 2010-CAP PROJ FUNDS.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 8 MONTHLY FIN May, 2010-FOOD SERVICE.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 9 MONTHLY FIN May, 2010-SPREV.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 10 MONTHLY FIN May, 2010- ARRA-SPREV43X.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 11 MONTHLY FIN May, 2010-INSURANCE.pdf
Minutes: For public information and awareness, Frank Farrell reviewed the Monthly Financial Reports for May.

Approve the monthly financial report for May, 2010, as presented.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Frank Farrell
Second: Carol Studdard
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Not Present
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present

Motion Minutes: Mrs. Vallencourt left the meeting at 9:15 p.m. and did not participate in the vote on this item.

Presentations from the Audience
56. Speaker

Minutes: Speaker: Krista Allen spoke on the transfer of Ridgeview Elementary Principal.

Superintendent Requests
57. Request

Minutes: Superintendent requested Board members provide recommendations on ways to balance the budget, without affecting staff allocations, as soon as possible due to the time line for approving the budget.

School Board's Requests
58. Request

Minutes: A Board Workshop was scheduled for July 12, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. in the School Board Meeting room to review the Budget - All Funds.

Attorney's Requests
Adjournment (9:45 p.m.)

